Explore The Custer Water Association

It is a fact, that good clean water is something that everyone needs.


Leak Located
By waterman | |

36 hours ago a leak occurred in the system. It was located around 3 PM today and we are currently working to fix it. Water should be back in a few hours. Thank you for your patience.

Custer Water System Leak
By waterman | |

Some time in the evening of the 19th or early morning on the 20th, Custer Water Started using significantly more water than normal. We believe there may be a leak in the system. The pumps are keeping up, but we would like to locate and fix this issue as soon as possible. If able, can you please check around your home to make sure you don't have a leak. Especially crawlspaces and lawn hydrants. Also, if you do notice a leak along the road, please let us know by calling (360) 384-1737